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Professor Brian O'Connell: Previous Vice-Chancellor,  University of the Western Cape
[Prof] Archer is an NRF-rated researcher with a robust publication history. Her research has significant international and national reach... [S]he has built a reputation for collegiality, confidence and competence and I gladly support her application for Professorship.
Late Professor Narend Baijnath: Chief Executive Officer, Council on Higher Education
 Prof Archer is a well-rounded academic and a prolific, highly capable, competent scholar with a solid record of achievement in publication, aside from having a wide range of professional, managerial and other competencies. Given the foregoing.
Professor Paul Prinsloo: Research Professor, University of South Africa
I have known Prof Archer since early 2000... [h]er expertise, attention to detail, compassion and enthusiasm... made a huge impression on me. After she joined Unisa, I got to know her as colleague, co-researcher and co-author. I have met many enthusiastic, competent and humane individuals in my life, but can attest that these three characteristics are often not found in one individual. [Prof] Elizabeth Archer is such an individual.
Professor Stella Nkomo: Strategic Professor, University of Pretoria
 I have witnessed first-hand her teaching qualitative research methodology to post-graduate students in seminar settings. It did not take long for me to be thoroughly impressed with her expertise in qualitative research methodology.  Not only does she have a deep philosophical understanding of the field of qualitative research but she also possesses exceptional insight into the design and execution of high rigorous qualitative research. . 
Professor Annemarie Davis: College of Economics , University of South Africa
Our paths crossed when I attended a workshop that she presented a workshop on qualitative research analysis in 2010... [Prof] Archer’s knowledge and expertise most definitely contributed to my growth as a researcher and the quality of my thesis. As a teacher, she impressed me with her knowledge – but also with her sharing of that knowledge in a humble and unselfish manner. I recall many instances over the 9 years [we worked together,] where she was readily available to offer expert advice and guidance – not only to me, but also to our postgraduate students
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